Wow where did the time go since I last blogged? I know I keep saying it but I need to get better at this.
Life has been trucking along. School is back in full swing. Quinten has started skating lessons along with his swimming lessons and soccer. Taylor continues to do gymnastics and loves it once she is there and doing it. Getting her into the gym is another thing. Same with school. Once she's in her classroom she is fine but there is always a battle. Which usually ends with me prying her off of me into the arms of a teacher. Yesterday and today she tried running away from me. I thought it would have been better by now. The sticker chart isn't working like I thought it would. I breaks my heart to see her so upset. I know it will get better. And Spencer continues to crack us up. Our little ham that's for sure. No mistaking who his Dad is.
How's that for a little update. Now off I go to tackle the mounds of laundry. Good times!