Saturday, February 25, 2012

Back, hopefully in full force

I know I've been MIA. I started a new job in January that had 2 months of full time training, including test taking and all that jazz that comes with learning. I will now be casual picking up around 2-3 shifts a week maybe sometimes more. And on the bright side I can pick up those shifts when Chris is off so no more looking for childcare. Which has been all over the map. But I am very thankful for everyone who has helped us out in that regard. I wouldn't have been able to take the position if it wasn't for you all. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I hope to get better with posting again. Not sure I'll always have something exciting to say but I'll be around.

I'll leave you with this joke that Spencer made up and told to me my.
Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Fox who?
Fox you!

We were all in stitches and he thought he had made up a very funny joke. So innocent.

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