Monday, February 27, 2006

Post Wedding Blues

It has been a happy/sad day. I am so happy that my brother has married such a wonderful girl but I am sad because they left today. Actually both of my brothers are gone. It sucks. You really take for granted the time you get to spend with family when they are around you all of the time. Then they go and move and you miss them more than you can express. I didn't think one person could produce so many tears. The water works just won't stop. I know there are a few of you out there that can sympathize, especially you Heather, right now. I think the thing that makes me the most sad, besides not seeing them every Tuesday, every weekend, is that they won't get to see my kids grow up. Taylor is constantly talking about her Unkie, Kristen and Uncle. Quinten can't talk yet but if he could I'm sure he would be saying the same stuff. I know they are all just a phone call away but it is not the same thing. It's a good thing we got Shaw digital phone so we can call anytime. Watch out guys you might get sick of me calling you. I know that I will start to feel better as the days go by but right now I am very sad, so bear with me if you are over and I start to cry like a baby.


Heather said...

I've cried more than I ever thought possible today and yesterday too. I was actually in the middle of class discussing the roll of the midgets in the painting "Las Meninas" by Velazquez when the tears re-appeared (for the third time). Hopefully it came across as my passion for art (HA!) to my teacher... or maybe she thought I was bored to tears. Either way, it was still embarassing, but I seriously couldn't stop.

And to top it all off, I didn't watch Grey's Anatomy!! What a horrible end to a fantastic week!

BethJoy said...

You can call me anytime, no worries :)