Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Always remember to thank your parents

When I was watching the Oscars I got to thinking how awesome it would be if my kid were up there and he/she thanked me. And not a oh yeah I want to thank my parents but a heartfelt thanks. The filmmaker from Canada ( I think it was the dutch film) did just that. Chris thought it was pretty funny because I got all emotional. TEars were actually streaming down. Then I ended up laughing slightly out of embarrasement. What an awesome thing that would be for that mom.
Anyway life is good around our household. No more poop sotries and Taylor hasn't wrecked anything in the past couple of days. I've been feeling pretty good. Still have my moments of puking but not as much as the other 2. Although I feel way more tired. Can't wait for the second energetic trimester. And I already need to wear mat clothes. My other stuff still fits somewhat but is not comfortable. Thank goodness for tiny friends like Chrissy who lent me her clothes.
Today is Tuesday night dinner so I NEED to get the laundry finished today. Maybe I better go start that. Get off my lazy butt. Hope all is well with everyone. Till I post again.
Peace out!

Friday, February 23, 2007


Yesterday I woke to poop. Quint hasn't figured out how to get out of zipper sleepers, or so I thought. He didn't undo it he just slinked his way out. So of course I had a big mess to clean up. Lovely. So for the rest of the day he spent a lot of time with duct tape around his waist keeping the shirt and pants connected. He almost got out of the combo but the duct tape saved the day. Maybe now I can finally finish the regular laundry.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ugh I feel nasty!

I haven't really had the energy to blog alot lately. I guess having another baby might have something to do with that. I've been really sick. Same as the last 2. Plus with all the work that we are doing around this house, I've just been super exhausted. Taylor is pretty excited and changes her mind everyday on if it is a boy or girl that she wants. I think the due date is Oct. 5th or around there. I guess I will know more when I actually see my ob. I will be 8 weeks on Friday. I will leave you with some sexy pictures of me painting. Got to protect the new bambino.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


How does one child get into so much trouble in a few days. The other day Taylor decided she didn't want to nap in her bed but the middle drawer of her dresser. Well she broke it so Chris laid it on the floor. Next thing I know she has taken all of her clothes out of that drawer and was fast a sleep. The next day she tried to sleep in the bottom drawer, while it was still in the dresser. Of course it really broke. It is unfixable at the moment. We need to purchase a new bottom. Then yesterday somehow she broke her monster light. Good thing it didn't cost much. She doesn't understand yet that we can't just replace everything if it gets broken. Hopefully today no furniture gets affected by the Tayloranator. Oh and the other day, while I was busy painting, she got into the hand sanitizer. She was using it as glue. She decided to hang up a neon pink piece of paper with this so called glue. Well the color from the paper has now stained the molding around our fireplace. Here comes more paint. And of course to top it all off Quint is still playing with his poop. On Friday was the worst yet. HE was having a good ol' time throwing it around. Good times. Well I'm off to lay down. Not feeling very good today. Hopefully I'm not getting what everybody else seems to have had.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

A little too young yet

I was up checking my email when Taylor came into my room looking like this saying she was riding her scooter.

Yes that is a pantyliner. Kids come up with some of the funniest things. And I could post a picture of her with posting one of Quint. Here is on the mountain of laundry in our room.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

I was about to write a post about how unappreciated I felt. And how I am always the one to do something special for Valentine's when Chris came home with some gifts for the kids and I. He got me a book but most important to me was the card he got me. It said everything he was feeling and how much he appreciates me. I loved it. Of course I got a little bit teary. We've been doing a lot around the house trying to get it in tip top shape for selling. I want Chris to know how much I appreciate him and all the work he has done for us. The basement looks awesome. Like a professional job. I love you Sweets!
Now me and my sweets are going to partake in a little cinnamon bun action. Yum!!!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Random Pics

We seem to have a lot of bath time pictures lately. I think it is because the camera is upstairs most of the time and the kids are always doing funny stuff. So the following is a bath picture of Quint (Taylor's new name for him) and Taylor hanging out in the laundry bag thingy. SHe loves doing that. That is what probably broke it. Meh we needed a new one anyway. The crappy weather around is suppose to be turning around tomorrow. I love chinooks. Now the question is to shovel or not to shovel? Hmmm. I probably should shovel so it doesn't melt and then freeze at night. Oh the jobs I do around here. Luckly I haven't had to clean up any poop from the boy. He now wears quite the outfit to bed. During the day I put his pants and then the diaper shirt. And at night if the sleeper has snaps then he gets a diaper shirt on the outside. I will have to take a picture. He does not like it but it has kept the sheets clean.

The painting is still going on. THe basement will be finished this weekend. Yeah! Too bad we can only enjoy it for a couple of months. And that's all that I have for now. Maybe the next few days will be more exciting.

*Jordan I made cocoa mocho parfait tonight. Yummmmmm!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Jordan!

Here's a shout out to my middle brother Jordan on his 27th birthday. Ooo getting closer to 30. do you feel old yet. Hope today is a wonderful day. Wish we could spend it with you.

It's bad when...

you get new fridge handles and your kid asks what they are. I guess we've been without them for so long you kind of forget about them.
you here your husband yell from upstairs that he need the plunger. And you here you daughter saying that was a big flush right dad. Taylor decided to use almost a whole roll of toilet paper in one sitting. The floor got a bit wet. And by a bit I mean a lot. She wants to be so independent but she's too young.
That's all I have for today I don't have the energy to type much more.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Penticton here we come

Yesterday was the day to book sites at Southbeach gardens. After trying for about 3 1/2 hours one of us got through. While trying to phone, and by that I mean constantly pressing redial, I had some obstacles to face. There is a theme over the last few posts. Yes once again Quinten got his pants off, his diaper shirt undone, and the diaper off. And once again he was playing with his poop. Clean up was the same as all the rest of times. Finally got him cleaned up back into bed when I hear water running in the bathroom. There I found Taylor trying to was out a big hunk of gum from her hair. After awhile of trying and some screaming I decided to cut it out. Luckly it was stuck in her bangs but kind of underneath so you can't even tell where the cut out chunk is from. After that it was a peaceful day. I didn't do much. Didn't even really clean up. I felt like being lazy and so therefor I was.
So far today has been good. My mom came to watch the kids so that I could grocery shop in peace. Thanks mom it made the shopping experience more tolerable. And now we are in the quiet part of our day. Yeah I love quiet time and nap time. I think I'm going to take advantage of the quiet.
Peace out!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

This weekend has been a weekend of painting and poop. We got a lot accomplished with the painting. The bathrooms and basement are left to paint. And a few touch ups. It looks soooo much better. Anybody who has seen it will know the ugly color of baby poop brown the baseboards and doors were. They are now white. Actually polar bear white to be exact.
Then there was the cleaning up of more poop. Seriously why does this stuff happen. Does it happen as often to others and they just don't tell about it? Cause it's grossing me out. Because we were painting Quinten's room the two kids were sharing Taylor's room for a couple of nights. She had diarrhea again for those 2 nights and was too preoccupied playing with him to make it to the bathroom. And once again she tried to clean it up herself which made a bigger mess for me to clean up. And this afternoon, right after Chris got Quinten's room back in order, Quinten decided to take his diaper off and play with his poop, again. At least he didn't get it on the wall. Just all over him and the crib. WHY ME? I know I'm not the only one. Quinten is lucky we ran out of duct tape or else. I'm going to have to use the technique we used for Taylor when she went through this stage. Good times. That is our weekend in a nut shell. I hope everyone else's was just as fun. I will now leave you with some pictures. One is a comparison of the new and old colors. Dark is old.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Been awhile

It's been awhile since I last posted and since I posted and pictures. I thought I was due for some pics of my cuties. I've been a painting machine over the last few days. Baseboard painting that is. I don't trust myself to do anything else. The kids are great. Quinten is becoming the quite little instigator. HE bear hugged Taylor today and pulled her to the ground. All while laughing as she was getting mad. Then he took her markers and ran away laughing. She was not happy. I couldn't help but laugh. Most of the time they get along and make each other laugh. not this afternoon though. Taylor taught Quinten to roar like a lion today. She was pretty proud of herself. It seems like he is saying a new word everyday, or at least is making the attempt. I love watching them grow up.

Taylor has been awesome with her potty training. On Tuesday Nathan asked how she was doing with the whole potty thing. I said great no accidents in a month. Of course that night right before bed she had an accident. In her defence she had the start of diarrhea. Poor kid. She has done well with it though. No need for a pull up. I hated changing 3 year old poop.

Well that's all the updates I have for now. Enjoy the pics.