Saturday, September 29, 2007

Nothing yet

So I have now officially made it furthur in my pregnancy than I did with the other 2. Taylor was born 6 weeks early and Quinten was 1 week early. My due date is Friday. I have a feeling the c-day is going to be the b-day. Have been having the same type of contraction feelings for the last little while and nothing is happening. Kind of frustrating. Oh well. Taylor keeps asking if the baby is here yet. She is still convinced we are having a girl and won't accept that it could possibly be a boy. She is probably right. I guess we'll know soon enough.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Taylor!

Today my baby girl turns 4. I can't believe you are 4 years old already. I remember the day you were born so clearly. It does sometimes feel like it was just yesterday. It has been amazing to watch you grow up and I can't wait to continue watching you grow. You continue to amaze me. I hope you have a great day.

We asked Taylor what she wanted for her birthday dinner and at first it was peanut butter and jam sandwiches, chocolate cake, chocolate chips and spinach. Now it is chocolate cake and pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries. I'm impressed that she wanted spinach. Maybe she knows that it will make her big and strong.

Happy Birthday my sweetheart. I love you!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wow you are bigger

So today was another ob appointment. Had a little scare because he was having a hard time finding the heartbeat but all is good. He asked how I was doing and I said feeling big. He measured and told me that yes I was quite a bit bigger than last week. And normally he doesn't comment on the measurements. I also decided to weigh myself at the gym because I was curious to see how much I had gained. Ready for it? It's more than I had gained with the other 2. Although Taylor was born 6 weeks early and I was 37 pounds so I would have been heavier. And I was 20 pounds heavier than I wanted to be when I started out with Quinten so I had extra weight to lose there. This time I was at my proper weight and I have gained 43 pounds. Crazy. I have a big belly but everywhere else I am smaller. Makes me wonder how big this kid is. Maybe I will end up being grateful for the c-section.
We also had the kids yearly check up. Taylor is 32 and 3/4 pounds and 38 inches. Just about the 25th percentile for both. Quinten is 23 pounds and 31 inches. 3rd percentile for the weight and dropped even furthur off the chart for length. At least we get a lot of wear out of his clothes. He is just small and I'm okay with that.
Well I think I deserve a little sit down so I that is what I am going to do.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Less than 3 weeks and counting

So the official count is on. We are 2 days past the 3 week mark. Baby lobbster #3 could come anyday now. Well after about 9:00am, tomorrow, would be preferred by Chris. I think I have taken more belly shots this pregnancy than the other 2. Maybe because it is our last, I don't know. Taylor keeps asking when her sister is going to come out. No we don't know what we are having but she is convinced that she is having a sister. Hopefully, if it is a boy, she won't be too disappointed. Anyway I've been feeling pretty good. Finding it hard to sleep. Have had jimmy crazy legs a bit more but other than that can't complain. Night time is by far the most uncomfortable time. I feel bad for Chris because either I am up a bizillion times to go pee or I am on the couch watching tv because I can't sleep. I'm sure he would like me back with him. Anyway that's it for now. I leave you with another belly picture.
Don't I look chubby. Oh and don't mind the mess in the background. A little close up.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I love Starbucks

I love the starbucks we have been going to lately. They haven't screwed up our orders, in a bad way, yet. Today I ordered 2 grandes and they accidentally made Chris's a venti so they made mine a venti too. I love those screw ups.
Well it is officially less than 3 weeks till baby lobbster #3 is due. I guess I should take another picture today.
That's all I have for today. Maybe more will happen later.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Birthday, baby belly, and first class

Well I was pretty busy hosting the kids party that I didn't take many pictures. So I have to wait for my Mom to send me hers. I do have a picture of the cake. I tried taking pictures of the kids kissing the baby but it was tough to get them bothe to cooperate just right.

I've been busy today cleaning the car and garage out. Not sure if that is considered nesting but I seem to have a bit more energy today. Chris has told me that next Monday anytime after 12:00 and on will be a good time for the baby to come. I guess that would work if I could control it. Oh well, we'll just wait and see.

I couldn't get Taylor into a preschool so we have enrolled her in some classes at the Y. She is taking a dance class and a variety class, which we call school.

Notice that Taylor is wearing pants. This is a big deal. It's been so long since I've been able to get her in pants.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Happy Birthday My Sweets!

It has been such a busy day with the kids party that I didn't have a chance to wish my wonderful husband a very happy birthday. I hope that you had a great day, even though it was kind of over shadowed by the birthday party. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Coffee Addiction

Is it bad that when we go through the Stabucks drive thru, Taylor knows exactly what I order?Today she informed me that I would be having a pumpkin spice latte with no whip. At least I know she is paying attention, to most things.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Pumpkin spice latte, yum!

So I had a gift card for Starbucks and really wanted a pumpkin spice latte so off we went today. We were a bit lazy and went through the drive thru. Well that paid off because they gave the person in front of us her drink free, so I got mine free also. I don't think that has ever happened to me before. Thanks Starbucks lady for the free drink. It was awesome.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Our newest hairdresser

So as you all know Chris cuts his own hair and Quinten's hair. Today I found the haircutting kit out and looked down and a few chunks of white blond hair on the bathroom floor. Taylor decided she wanted her hair shorter. Luckly it is on the sides and you can't notice it that much. I guess we will have to hide the hair scissors up high.
Brian and Chrissy came for a visit. It was so great to catch up. Thanks guys for the wonderful visit. We also got to spend the day, yesterday with Steve and Sue and it was great to catch up with them too. Today we tried to go to the zoo. Our family has passes but the line for the cashier was a 1-2 hour wait just to get in. Forget that. So we decided to go for lunch, well that turned into an adventure as well. An hour later we got our food. I got moldy grapes on my plate. What a treat. They didn't even take money off our bill. Oh well it was fun to hang out with friends. Sorry guys Quinten didn't sit very still.
That's it for now. Have a great holiday Monday.