Monday, April 02, 2007

Houdini Part II

This weekend we had 12 showings. So we spent a lot of time away from the house. We thought we had a couple of hours yesterday afternoon before the showings started again, so we got Quint duct taped up and put down for a nap. Well the first clients showed up a half hour early. That's where the scrambling started. I went to get Quinten and he had escaped his duct taping and was playing with poop. Of course this would happen right as we were trying to leave. Thankfully the people were very understanding and let us clean up before coming upstairs. I will be so happy when this house sells. I don't think it is good for the baby to be so stressed out.
Because we had to be out of the house for an extended period of time on Saturday we took a road trip to Drumheller. Taylor was very excited to see the dinosaurs. Actually Quinten liked them too. He kept pointing and saying "wow".
With all the showings it is amazing that we get anything done. Taylor is now registered for soccer starting at the end of the month, I think. She is pretty excited. She keeps asking if we want to be on her team. So cute!
I think that's all I have for now. Once I get the camera from the car I will post pictures from our dinosaur adventure.


The Aitkenheads said...

we bought Jaymee her new cleats for this soccer season and we had some soccer practice in the living room last night. Although she keeps reminding us that she needs new soccer shorts too!!

At the first sign of sunshine and green grass she'll be out in the park kicking that ball around.

Tammy Williams said...

My gosh - it sounds pretty stressful for you right now. Hope your house sells soon so you can be relieved of any unnecessary stress and the baby can enjoy his/her time in mommy's belly.

Miranda said...

We used comfree to sell our house and it was stressful but at least I got to show my own house, with the kids there. And I was able to make the appointments with interested viewers. It really made things easier. And most people are pretty understnading about kids. My house was never that spotless when I showed it and it still sold. Praying yours sells soon for you.
How old is Taylor? Here you have to be 4 to sign up for soccer otherwise Isabelle would be starting too. I guess Tyalor is older than Isabelle...I forget her birthday.

Desiree said...

I was going to put Walker in soccer but I thought it was pretty expensive for a 3 year old and didn't know if you would have been that interested anyway. I hope Taylor has fun. I hope your house sells too. It is so weird because Mark really wanted to go to Drumheller on Saturday(for a farm auction), but we ended up not going. How weird would that have been if we had gone and seen each other?

Kirst said...

Taylor's birthday is Sept. 24th. Here in Bridlewood she wouldn't have been able to play but in our new community she can. She's pretty excited about it.

Anonymous said...

i keep hoping to come to your blog one day and see a big SOLD subject line...
soon enough...soon enough.

Evey said...

Crazy times for you guys. Praying you sell soon:)