Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Taylor has reached the age that she notices what commercials are all about. If we see something she'll let us know that was on a commercial on tv. Today I found her with a straw in an orange trying to drink it. I was informed that she wanted some orange juice and that's how they do it on the commercial. Great not only do I need to sensor what shows she watches but now commercials? At least she hasn't tried shaving lately or anything serious. Or even asking for all the toys on tv. It could be worse.


Karri said...

Too funny. You made me laugh!!:) So true though.

Miranda said...


It's scary though what our kids are exposed to these days. At least it was just a commercial for orange juice.

liz said...

I wish you could put a straw in an orange and get orange juice! How much fun would that be?

A said...

hahaha :) sorry, but this sounded hilarious!