Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A punch to the face

Can you believe it? I got punched in the face today. It was quite the brawl. I was able to dodge most of the punches but one landed on my left eye.

Yesterday I was kicked in the legs on the way to school, numerous times and today were fists to the face. And both times the perpetrators have served time for their crimes. I'm hoping the punishment will deter them from committing these crimes again.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday Taylor!

It seems like just yesterday I was calling my mom in a panic because my water broke but I was not due for 6 weeks. Taylor has grown from that early baby to a really mature 8 year old. I wonder what the next 8 years will hold.

Dear Taylor,

Today you celebrate your 8th birthday. And as I write you this note I have tears in my eyes(I'm sure you've grown to realize this is a norm for me.) Just thinking back over the last 8 years. It feels like it has gone like a blink of an eye. You are so loving, complimentary, confident, athletic, strong ( I wish I could do chin ups like you.), a great big sister, beautiful, caring. And I could go on. I hope today is a day filled with joy and celebration for you. You will rock at rock climbing. And even though you aren't feeling the greatest we'll make it the best birthday possible.

I Love You!

Love, Mommy

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's only just begun

Last week we celebrated Chris' birthday. We had a really nice day together and then on Saturday I took him out to Bolero. Such good food. Next week is Taylor's birthday. And lucky enough she is able to have her party on the actual day. So party planning for everyone has been in full swing. Taylor is having a rock climbing party and she is super excited about it. And the only thing she wants is a lizard for her birthday. Glad she didn't ask for a snake.

The boys are sharing a birthday party this year. A company called Bricks 4 kids comes and does a party with them. They too are super excited. They love lego and star wars so it's a perfect fit. And that is exactly what they are asking for as well.

The day of their party could be a bit crazy. Half marathon in the morning, T has a party to go to, Boys party and then family birthdaypalooza celebration at night. I will apologize now to our family if I fall asleep during the celebration. :)

I saw over at Leigh's blog that her birthday is coming up soon too. She was saying what she wants for her birthday. I'm going to steal her idea and ask what do you want for your birthday? We are a little birthday obsessed at the Lobbster Shack.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Things I love.....

I was reflecting today on some of the things I love, and I thought I would share some of them. And not in any particular order. Ok maybe the first 2 are in order but after that random.
  • My husband and kids. They make me smile everyday. I love being with them, even when they are whiny. The kids not Chris.
  • The rest of my family. I love that I can call up my Mom anytime and have a friend to chat with. They are amazing with the kids.
  • Running. I loved it before and then fell out of love with it but am back in to it.
  • Ice cream. If I could I would eat it for every meal, but then I would be a bazillion pounds. So I will be satisfied with it once in a while.
  • The hot, hot weather we are experiencing. Sucks that it is while the kids are in school but the youngest one and I can take advantage of the lake still.
  • Friends. They love my sense of humour and are there for me anytime.
  • Kids that are getting the cleaning up after themselves, thing. Finally they or maybe just Taylor for now, is understanding how frustrating it can be to clean up and then have it look like a tornado went through.
  • Kernels popcorn. Don't you just love it. And wouldn't you love it if they came in individual sealed bags with different flavours to choose from? Well look no further. Taylor is selling them for gymnastics. $2.00 a bag for butter salt, dill pickle, ketchup, salt and vinegar, white cheddar. And $2.25 for air caramel. Orders and money need to be into me before September 23rd. The day before Taylor's 8th birthday. And what a great birthday present that would be if you ordered some. You know ya wanna!
  • Having tear free drop offs. I can so get used to them.
  • Kernels popcorn.

Hope everyone had a great long weekend! What do you love?

Friday, September 02, 2011

School Success

I am happy to report that we have made it through the first 2 days of school. I wasn't worried about Quinten. I knew he would line up with his class and just go with it. Taylor however was acting all cool till it came time to meet her teacher and line up with her class. We were fortunate to have the same teacher 2 years in a row so it was tough on Taylor, and maybe even tougher on Mom, for her to have a different teacher. She is very sweet but that didn't stop the tears and crazy strong clinging. Seriously I'm going to have to start lifting weights just to keep up with her. I was able to pass her to the aid(and good friend). Thankfully Cheryl (aid/friend) is in her class again. Helps make the transition smooth. Once she took her Taylor was fine. In fact she came out smiling and wouldn't stop talking about her first day. And today was a very pleasant surprise. No tears, a quick hug and off she went. I'm looking forward to this year for the kids. They are meeting new friends and have old ones they are reuniting with. Some people might not agree but I think it's great that Taylor's class only has 6 girls. Hopefully they can become close.

Mrs. Veronese will always be a special person to us. Taylor was talking about her last night and how she special she is to her. And a bonus is they share the same birthday. Which in Taylor's eyes has them bonded for life. :)

And Quinten being the sensitive kid we knew he was made sure one of the little girls in his class had someone to play with. She didn't know any kids from the class and Quinten wanted her to feel included. Makes me feel good to know I must be doing something right with this parenting thing. I'll try to remember these times when I am frustrated with them.

Anyway now to birthday plan and try to relax this weekend. Chris has been working long hours and has to work all weekend so not sure I will actually relax but having a few days of off driving to gymnastics is relaxing enough.

What kind of long weekend plans do you have?