Sunday, April 02, 2006


I just want to give a shout out to all the people that are close to me. Especially the friends and mostly family that I don't get to see very often. I really miss seeing Devin, Jordan and Kristen. I wish I could see and talk to you guys all of the time. Really I could but do you want me calling every second of the day? Probably not. But I would if we could. I miss seeing my friends from the chilly city up north as well. As Ellen says "Holla"! I hope all of the pregos up there are doing fine.


kristen said...

we miss you too!

Heather said...

I haven't seen you in TWO WHOLE WEEKS! I'm going through withdrawl! I can't wait for sups tonight!

Dee said...

I hope that Tuesday night dinner was good! I hope I'm still invited sometime soon...I was busy drooling over Rob Thomas tonight so I wouldn't have been able to come...but soon I hope!!

Lori said...

Glad I saw you today. It was nice to chat for a bit. We should do it more.