Wednesday, October 21, 2009

fake butt

A fake butt has been found. Thanks Karen for picking it up for me. Roxanne I hope you're okay to run beside me with a butt hanging out. I'm pretty excited about my costume for the race. Maybe I'm a kid at heart. Not sure how the actually running is going to go seen as I have been quite the slacker in the running department. It'll be fun either way.


Faye said...

where did you find a butt? Someone was asking about it at work. I think it will be a hoot seeing that running down the street.

Karri said...

I hope you post pictures!

kristen said...

i agree with karri- i want to see that bare butt running!

Anonymous said...

I agree. I want to see pictures. I was telling my neighbors and they think you should run with an IV pole!!!!
Char J