Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kind of afraid

I've been putting off the trying on of my Wonder Woman costume. I think I have gained some weight from last year so I'm afraid that it won't fit and I will feel crappy. It's funny how I can be the same weight I've been for a number of years pre-kids, yet clothes so do not fit the same way. And instead of embracing the body that I have now been blessed with, I put myself down. When will I stop that? Perhaps it will take days, months or years, who knows. I do know that I try to overcome these feelings everyday. Some days I feel great and others blah and wish I didn't have a road map on my stomach and what seems to be enough skin to make a tummy pull down blind. Oh and comparing myself to others. Oh the torture. As I write this I can see how ridiculous this sounds. Men must think us women are crazy.

Note to self: We're on the road to self uplifting not self putting down.

So maybe now I'll go try it on. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

i feel your pain.... oh, and the tummy pull down blind??? that got a good belly laugh! i too have a road map.... and i don't love mine, either. but, what can we do??? i'm glad your costume fits though... that's good for the self esteem. and yes, men definitely think we're crazy....

Desiree said...

I feel the exact same way as you do, and by the sounds of things my tummy is in the same shape. It's frustrating sometimes.

Sketti said...

Oh hunny! You are gorgeous! But I totally hear ya and I've only had one baby thus far! I've just stopped bfing Zachary though so my metabolism has taken a huge nose dive and I really need to be careful what I eat now! Oh the misery of it all! Why is it so hard to be happy with how we look, regardless of how we look?!?!