Monday, November 06, 2006

Who will have more fun? Me or kids

I decided to open Quinten's tickle me elmo last night. I wanted to make sure it worked. I would be distraught if it didn't work on Christmas morning. Who knew 2 adults could laugh so hard at a kids toy. He really is funny and it is super cool that he falls down and then rights himself. Oh the fun I'm, I mean the kids are going to have on Christmas morning.

2 more days till Starbucks Christmas drinks. Seen as our Starbucks seems to be the only one not serving the special drinks. Meh..

Peace out!


Miranda said...

I have to admit that I think I like the kids toys more than the kids do. sad.
I am also an addict...I have to drink light frappuccinos though...too many points if I drink the other ones.

--Nathan-- said...

uh oh... what if you wore out the batteries making sure the batteries worked.

kristen said...

i bet if you got there and the hard-ass wasn't working you'd get one. i bet it is just her...and probably the same person that won't extra-hot your eggnog latter "for your safety"

Joy and Darrin said...

Every time I read your bolg title i get the words mixed up and in my head it says "Who will have more kids?".

The answer to both is you.

Tammy Williams said...

Joy, that's what I read too. HAHA!
I haven't been to starbucks much since moving here...which is so strange. I thought I would become a junkie. I miss my Tim's!!!

Desiree said...

So it's now Wednesday, did you get that drink yet?

Joy and Darrin said...

Yes she did and it wasn't with me.

Tammy Williams said...

You made me crave Starbucks so yesterday I went out and got a Caremel Machiatto.....mmmm!