Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What is she saying?

So I was talking to my Dad today and he thought a good caption for the picture in yesterday's post would be," QuinQuin you're lucky Mommy is watching, otherwise I would be smacking you right now." Are there any other comments as to what Taylor could be thinking or saying? This could be fun.


Joy and Darrin said...

"Can you smell that?"

--Nathan-- said...

"have you seen our parents? this is as tall as you're gonna get"

Tammy Williams said...

"Brotha Quin, yo mama's not here so listen-up - I got some playin' words for you! Kick it to the curb shorty!"

Anonymous said...

Let's take a dump in this basket when mom's not looking.

Desiree said...

Maybe she just wants people to think she is mean to him so when they are alone maybe she is actually saying, I love you so much! (Isn't that a much nicer thought anyways?) And don't worry for calling my child by the wrong name, it doesn't bother me, it really irks me however when people call her a boy or ask if she is a boy or a girl. She is always dressed in pink and she has her ears pierced! Some people!