Saturday, June 06, 2009

It's been a week

I realize that it was a week ago that I blogged. Our computer crashed last Sunday night so it took a few days to get it back and since then I've been thinking about this post.

On Sunday I ran the half marathon. During my training I didn't have any knee pain except at the beginning on one long run, but since then nothing. So I was shocked, disappointed, sad, and even a bit angry, when at around the 10k mark my knee started to hurt. Actually it's the side of the knee because it is an IT band injury but for the sake of this post I'll just say knee. Anyway the pain came on quite suddenly and I was determined not to stop or walk so I ran the next 11.1K in quite a bit of pain. We slowed the pace and at the last kilometer I thought my knee was going to blow out but I have a bit of stubborness in me and wasn't going to quite so close to the end. I embraced the pain and pushed past it, ran up the last hill (now seriously who puts a hill at the end of a race?) and finished waving at my 3 precious kids and my parents. Shocking that brought tears to my eyes. I didn't make my time goal of 2 hours but was close at 2 hours 16 minutes and 55 seconds.

I want to thank everyone for their encouragement during the training and afterwards. I'm thankful for a husband who, remember hates running but still ran with me. And for my parents who are proud of me and that means more than they will know. And it means so much that they brought the kids down. I want them to see the stuff Mommy and Daddy enjoy (or in Chris' case don't really enjoy but know it's good for him).

Now to rest of for a bit and continue stretching and then back to training for the next race.

And seriously the snow could stop it's June already!


kristen said...

I just looked at the pictures and LOVE the look on your face when you're waving to your kids. Love it!
(and your leg looks wicked in the one after that)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kirsten! You are awesome!
Char J

Tammy Williams said...