Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Better then Yesterday

Today was a much better day. No puke. Yeah! I took the kids to the mall this morning to get my extra pair of glasses fixed. As we were driving up our street I saw Purolator pulling away from our house. We had missed him, and our new computer, by minutes. So I guess tomorrow is the day. It will be so nice to have our own computer. Oh the things I will be able to do. I will never get any housework done. Okay yes I will because I can't seem to stand a mess lately. Till tomorrow.
Peace out!


--Nathan-- said...

uh oh, that means being able to blog more which means more crap/puke stories which means more cleaning and with all the extra blogging and cleaning up that will severely cut into your tuesday meal making time (which are awesome by the way) and that directly effects me... no good.

by the way what do you want for your birthday... i dont think you'll want or have to cook on your birthday.

Evey said...

Hey there! Havent left a comment in quite some time. I suck. Just wanted to see how you were and get caught up on all the puke and farting stories. hehe!

The Aitkenheads said...

Home computer = MSN messenger!!!

Come on, I need friends to yack to all afternoon when I should be sleeping instead!!!


Kirst said...

What do I want for my birthday? Lots! I do need clothes. Nathan are you asking because Chris put up to it?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Nathan just genuinely cares about making this birthday a special one for you...afterall, you do make him dinner at least once a week. Perhaps he just wants to make you feel appreciated for all that you do and realizes that one way to do that would be to put dinner together on your birthday....
or, maybe chris put him up to it...who knows ;-)

--Nathan-- said...

i get no respect... holy!!! i was really asking!! and i have had no contact from kris, although im sure he has big things planned. but since you dont think i would be nice on my own maybe i'll just forget about it...

seriously, i'll buy dinner tuesday... what do you want??? shawarmas? swiss chalet? let me know!

--Nathan-- said...

and by kris i mean chris.

Kirst said...

I know that your being sincere Nathan. I didn't want to be like this is what I want now buy it for me. Dinner would be great. I'll have to think on what we could have.

Anonymous said...

i figured you were asking yourself...but also don't put it past chris to have someone else do his bidding...

Joy and Darrin said...

You guys are all assuming that Chris actually has remembered her birthday!

--Nathan-- said...

maybe i should remind him.